Ring us at the club on  

  • tel: +44 (0) 1 344 77 50 32 0 13 44 77 50 32 

  •   This should be 
        on all the time: 
        0 77 99 77 78 52 0 77 99 77 78 52

or write to us (address above)

  • or email us to make the first initial contact.

More pictures of the club and its members

In the summer our office is staffed most of the time, but in other seasons it will be at least the weekends. An answer-phone will take your message. 

 Heritage is lovely, 
 and I could never 
 now not be 
 a naturist.
 Click to see what facilities
 my club has to offer you!


Members either apply to join as 'Couples and Families'  or as 'Singles'. 

Club rules place a limit of 5% of the membership being singles applying from outside the club. 

We arrange for you (and the family) to visit us on a guest basis up to three times to see if you would enjoy Heritage  - usually on a Sunday when the club is busy and full of friendly faces.

downloadable membership application

  • Complete the form, print it  out, both sign it and then send it to us enclosing two passport photos of each  adult applicant. Email us to tell us it's on its way.  

  • You then ought to be contacted about visiting the  club. Fees are only taken off you if your application is accepted for processing. 



Check what members say in our magazine

 My family has 
 been members of 
 Heritage for 
 several years

Check what members say in our magazine

You'll get introduced to a good cross-section of our members.

 Usually you will arrive around 11am and make a full day of your visit. 

Sometimes we organise these trial visits at other times when the club is busy and active such as bank holiday weekends.

You may have questions you want to have answered before that first visit. Call us or follow this link, and then this link.

 Heritage is lovely, 
 I visited for a week
 and loved
 every moment!
 and see if you are
 a naturist as well!

You may decide during that first visit to apply to join - we certainly hope so. 

For the first year membership is probationary. 

We do reserve the right to immediately remove any person whose behaviour makes their membership application inappropriate

At the end of the first year the club's management committee considers confirmation of application to full membership.



Follow this link to get details of all our current fees and charges including membership, visitor and camping fees.

Our guidance on naturist conduct, constitution and camping rules are here.

We've paid our fees - BRILLIANT value